Tuesday, April 5, 2016

August 2015

To date, August 2015 is one of the best months of my life. And truthfully, that month is the basis for this blog so I figure thats a good place to start. For me, August 2015 is defined by three significant events...

I remember when I turned 25 finally feeling "legit." I was still young, I was still solidly rooted in my 20s, but I had this feeling that I was going to be taken more seriously and that my life had a new starting point. A large portion of that may have been because I was going through a number of big life changes...the end of a relationship that I had based a significant portion of my future around, the beginning of my career as a nurse, moving to a new city that would become my new home. But for whatever reason, 25 was significant to me.

Thirty brought out the same feelings in me. The last decade had been spent trying on different versions of myself, experimenting with personas and personalities, past times and careers, trying to discover the path I wanted to continue down. But now, most of that confusion was done. I had completed three decades of life and was finally beginning to be comfortable with who I am. I was finishing a Master's program which would lead to a solid career. I had a great foundation of family and friends who accepted me and I trusted in completely. I had found a relationship that made me happy and brought out the best in me. Maybe I'm a late bloomer...I know many people who accomplished life-goals and self-discovery and many more things at a much younger age, but for me, life was beginning on August 5 as I turned 30.

Three days after my birthday, I walked across a stage wearing a gown and hood and graduated with my Master's of Science in Nursing degree, with a speciality in Family Nurse Practitioner. And right before me and after me walked two girls, Kailey and Erica, who I could not have accomplished that goal without. I had never met either of them before our program started in 2013 and now I couldn't imagine not having them in my life. Over the previous 2.5 years we had laughed, cried, studied, had break downs, and run the gamut of every emotion you could think of, but I know I would not have made it through without them by my side. Becoming a nurse practitioner was not something I had ever planned or a path I expected my career to take, but I had accomplished it and I was damn ready to do something with it! Standing with them that day was an extremely proud moment in my life.

 Erica, Kailey, and I before walking at graduation
 My family and I at graduation

The final significant moment of August 2015 came a few weeks later. Being an animal lover and the human incarnation of Crysta from Fern Gully, traveling to Africa has always been a lifelong dream of mine. I'd often said (only slightly ironically) that you could drop me off in the middle of a safari and let the animals eat me and I'd die happy. So between my birthday and graduation, my boyfriend and I decided this was the time to make my dream come true. We enlisted the help of a travel agency and planned a two week excursion to South Africa, Zimbabwe, and Botswana that included a few days in Cape Town, winery tours, penguin beaches, Victoria Falls, and of course, two safaris. 

Well, I will have to save the wonders of Africa for another blog, because little did I know Nate had something up his sleeve that would become the most memorable moment of the entire trip. The first full day in Africa was spent exploring Cape Town and we had decided to end the day with sunset on top of Table Mountain, one of the seven natural wonders of the world. From the top you can see for miles...the expanse of the city, the coast and the ocean, and miles of African terrain. 

We were exploring the views with our guide Thomas, when Nate stated that he wanted to find a less populated area to take some more pictures. We found this perfect bricked corner over looking the mountain range behind us and took the first picture below. Nate then decided he wanted to take a second picture with his jacket off. I thought that was kind of random, but took the opportunity to turn around, move my jacket farther out of the frame, and take off my purse. When I turned back around, my eyes immediately went to a large square-shaped lump in Nate's front pocket that had been hidden by his jacket. My heart started pounding and I looked at Nate in disbelief as he started to smile. 

I wish either of us remembered what was said in that moment, but all either of us can recall is that he started with my full name and ended with 'Will you marry me?'. It was the moment I had waited two years to hear and I knew a lifetime of happiness was just beginning as I replied 'yes!' And bless poor Thomas's heart as he continued to snap pictures throughout the entire moment even though Nate had given him no warning as to what he had been planning! Having that moment documented is priceless. I always knew Africa was a special place, but now we are tied to that beautiful country forever. 

 The moment before I knew what was about to happen
 Picture perfect proposal.
The perfect single solitare. Classic and exactly what I wanted.

So that is what 30 and August 2015 mean to me...becoming a fully-realized adult, completing a 2.5 year journey that would shape my career, and the beginning of a lifetime with my best friend and the most amazing man I ever met. I couldn't ask for anything more.

Until next time,

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

So this is 30

Wow. A new blog! I guess that deserves a new introduction, huh? 

So...this is me. 

My name is Kristen, but usually online I go by KayCee. You may or may not know me by my old blog (beingkaycee.blogspot.com), which chronicled my "25 by 25" and "30 by 30" bucket lists. And then my life got crazy and I stepped away from the blogging world for a good year +. Now I have the itch again but feel like I'm in such a different place in my life and needed a fresh start. 

What kind of different place am I at do you ask? Well, for starters, I turned 30 this year. I suppose that used to sound old, but of course now it feels so young! So much changed in my life around that milestone and I love the fresh start a new decade is bringing with it. I'm in a happy, healthy relationship and we got engaged over the summer! I am officially done with graduate school, have passed my Family Nurse Practitioner boards, and am on the job hunt! I have an amazing group of friends, two crazy cats, a new thirst for fitness, and overall just a much brighter outlook on life. 

So what can you expect to find here? Basically my online journal. I do this for me, I find it therapeutic to write, but also enjoy the thoughts and opinions from others should anyone flatter me enough to spend any part of their day catching up with me. There will be wedding planning, new career joys and frustrations, the ups and downs of my fitness journey, my thoughts on everything from the Bachelor to the presidential election coming up this year (though I'll try to keep that topic to a minimum), and also lots about animals and the environment as I try to expand my participation into those areas that I feel so passionate about. 

So thanks for stopping by and I'll hope you'll continue to do so from time to time!
